Our team always analyzes how Google Updates change ecommerces ranking. We help ecommerces with insights and understanding how to modify SEO strategy and not to lose positions on Google.
Let’s look at examples, and I hope our approach could be useful for your workflow and let you quickly formulate SEO hypotheses.
We analyzed the impact of Google’s May 2022 core update and fluctuations in search results for ecom websites.
Winners and Losers
First, let’s find out who won and who lost after the update and build hypotheses about what might be the purposes.
For example, in Mexico after the Google May Core Update 2022, Amazon showed significant growth among online retailers.
Amazon showed especially sharp growth (almost doubled!) in the TOP10.
Seems the site has strengthened its position for the most popular keywords and it could be a solid reason for Mexican ecommerces to adjust their SEO strategy.
Another example is the significant fluctuations in iGaming website visibility after the Update in Spain.
These fluctuations were not local, but global. So, in the previous screenshots analyzed geo in iGaming Spain, but the same fluctuations were observed in Australia, but to a greater extent were affected by the major players in the market and after some time there was a rollback of such changes.
How update effects on different types of web pages
Ecom websites consist of thousands of web pages, but there are only a few types of webpages converting users to customers – product listing pages and product card pages. Updates could affect them in different ways. Also it could affect different product groups in different ways.
Let’s look at the farfetch.com project after the update.
Visibility of the site increased after the update. The visibility of product cards increased by 10%, but the visibility of listings increased by 5%.
No panic!
Do not panic if your website starts to lose its positions. In many cases fluctuations after update are normal and previous positions will be back.
In our case it happened with BHphotovideo.com. Visibility started to decrease on 23d of May, when the Google Update hit.
The %Visibility metric also shows a drop, but not so obvious.
First, pages began to drop out of the top 3 and it affected the metrics %Volume, and there were fluctuations during June, but after positions were restored.
As we see, just a few clicks may help you to understand what’s going on with yours and your competitor’s ranking after Updates and realize what to concentrate on!